With our terms and conditions of use we want to contribute to establishing equal studying conditions for students with a disability or a chronic illness. In justified individual cases, all terms may be granted also to external library users.
The entrance to the library is located on the ground floor. The access to the two upper floors of the library is possible via a wheelchair-suited lift equipped with a voice announcing the different floors.
Searching for information
In the gallery on the mezzanine floor you find low table computer workstations that are suited for wheel chair use and that are equipped with access to our online catalogue and our databases. Gladly we will assist you in researching. The information service has been expanded with a chat service (in addition to our on-site, phone and email services) and digital event formats. The library makes information materials available online via the moodle learning platform.
How to get the desired items?
Sometimes it is not possible to suit yourself to a book because of high shelves and the narrow shelf placement. In this case our staff at the service desk will help you. The desired items are then placed ready for you to borrow or for reference use. The library has a book scanner located on the ground floor, that is accessible for people on wheels. We will give you assistance whenever you want to copy, scan and print media.
We offer customized conditions for the use of the library to disabled or chronically ill students at HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播 (HCU) provided that either a handicapped’s ID or a medical doctor’s certificate has been presented. These customized conditions shall cover the loan period, loan period extensions, reservation deadlines and short term loans.
Please talk to us in order to find out how we can assist you in using the library.
Adhering to the loan period is subject to your own responsibility. The measures concerning fees and reminders provided for in the terms and conditions of use and in the schedule of fees apply basically unchanged.
Nota bene: Concerning returnable media that you have ordered via interlibrary loan, the conditions set by the lending library apply unchanged.
You may use our lockers for a limited period of time. Please contact the staff of the service counter.
Anke Schlichting
e-mail: anke.schlichting(at)hcu-hamburg.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 40 300880-5227
Arne Raith
e-mail: arne.raith(at)hcu-hamburg.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 40 300880-5675

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