Object recording/Scanning
Object: three-aisled cross-shaped column basilica in Romanesque architecture, built as a sepulchral church for the emporar Lothar III. and his family from 1135 until 1170
Construction of a 3D model of the imperial cathedral (Kaiserdom) in K?nigslutter (interior and exterior) using terrestrial laser scanning data for the documentation and presentation of the imperial cathedral as a virtual 3D model
Use of three scanning systems: 2x Zoller+Fr?hlich IMAGER 5006i and 1x Riegl VZ-400, aditionally 1x total station Leica TCRP 1201
Object recording at January, 5th and June, 24th 2010
More than 90 scanner stations in the interior & 8 stations in the exterior
Acquisition of digital images using Nikon D40 and Nikon D700 at nodalpoint adapter of the scanner stations for the generations of panorama images
Data processing & modelling
Geo-referencing and registration of scans with Z+F LaserControl (IMAGER 5006i) and RiScanPro (VZ-400) using targets
Generation of panorama images with the Software PTGui
Coloring of the IMAGER pointclouds in Z+F LaserControl using 360° panorama imagery
Modelling of three sections - interior, cloister and exterior using RiScanPro & AutoCAD 2010 with Plugin PointCloud
Virtual tour in and around the imperial cathedral (Kaiserdom) in K?nigslutter
Video about the project imperial cathedral (Kaiserdom) in K?nigslutter
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Braunschweiger Zeitung, 31. Mai 2013.
Dom-Rundgang ist jetzt am Computer m?glich.
Braunschweiger Zeitung, 25. Juni 2010.
Kleine Maschine macht den Dom netztauglich.
Helmstedter Blitz, 30. Juni 2010.
Kaiserdom wurde per "Terrestrischem Laserscan" visualisiert - Ein studentisches interaktives 3D-Modell erm?glicht Vermarktung.
Volume 7616, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 201-210.
Holz, G. M., 2010.
3D-Modellierung des Kaiserdomes K?nigslutter (Kreuzgang) aus terrestrischen Laserscanningdaten.
Schwarzenberger, J., 2010.
3D-Modellierung des Kaiserdomes K?nigslutter (Au?enbereich) aus terrestrischen Laserscanningdaten.
Thies, S., 2010.
3D-Modellierung des Kaiserdomes K?nigslutter (Innenbereich) aus terrestrischen Laserscanningdaten.
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