Architektur und Kunst (Ehemalige Professur)



Prof. Dr. Mona Mahall (Ehemalige Professur)




Master Thesis

Open Studio

Open Studio is a project class in which students are given a structured time to explore and develop their own architectural ideas and processes. In regular gatherings all participants come together to discuss their work with other students, faculty, and guests. A series of presentations, lectures and other inputs will be given during the semester to support individual and collective development.


WS20/21 Expanding Design: Habitat

The seminar "Expanding Design: Habitat" questions various aspects surrounding the notion of HABITATS in architecture; from personal HABITS (How do we live? How do we want to live?) to the diversity of HABITATS (How does the context inform our buildings? How does the environment influence architecture?) and finally the practice of INHABITING (How do we occupy space? How should we occupy space? How would we like to occupy space?).

SS20 Expanding Design: Interior

The seminar "Expanding Design: INTERIOR" focuses conceptually on the broad notion of the interior in architectural and artistic thinking (what does the interior mean in relation to its container? What does the interior show or not show/hide? How does the exterior relate to the interior? How can we turn things inside-out?). Through the idea of transgressing boundaries, the seminar proposes artistic design-thinking by turning the inside-out.

WS19/20 Experimental Ground: Los Angeles

The seminar "Experimental Ground: Los Angeles" sets out to study the US West Coast City Los Angeles by focusing on its contemporary architecture and artistic environment. In the seminar, students use the method of artistic research by gathering knowledge through various media and experiment with their findings through applied design and artistic thinking. The seminar is structured around three different fields of depth: Ecology, Artifact and Manipulation.

WS 19/20 "Work in Progress"

The seminar "Work in Progress" is a block seminar organized around a series of three lectures and additional workshops by invited professionals from the broad field of architecture. Thematically, the focus of the seminar centers around the following questions: What are current the methods young architectural practices, collectives, curators and artists are using today in order to establish their practice and discourse? How does their methodological approach influence the discourse in general and our view on architecture and the architectural practice today? How does it also change or expand the field of architecture??


A03 - Architectural-design concepts for adaptive spaces

How will design change when adaptivity in architecture is considered as the co-evolution of technologies, spaces, concepts of social action, and aesthetic experiences?

Through the lens of architecture, A03 re?ects on the research of SFB 1244, investigates adaptive architecture’s societal, cultural, and aesthetic dimensions, and projects it into social contexts. Thus, the project assumes an important critical as well as creative function: not only by discussing the technological developments in the context of the built environment and its living beings, but also by imagining and evolving them for the future. At the same time and in reaction to the technological developments, A03 aims at updating and re-de?ning architectural conceptions and roles: of buildings, architects, and inhabitants.

On the concept of Environments, which goes back to art and architectural tendencies of the 1960s, A03 examines adaptivity in architecture as a continuity and interdependence of spatial, technological, social, and cultural dimensions. Across disciplinary boundaries, Environments thus serve to define the novel material and symbolic relationships in which adaptation is conceived holistically, that is, technologically, socially, and aesthetically. In this research, different perspectives and actors are taken into account in order to answer central questions about communication, interaction and design. The main objective is to investigate socially relevant aspects of an open adaptation process. This leads to three scientific research questions:

- How do adaptive spaces affect inhabitants concerning place, time, use and perception?

- What important consequences can be derived for the design of adaptive structures?

- How can adaptation be described as a cultural technique?

To answer these questions, A03 carries out practical analyses of the demonstrator high-rise and creates adaptation scenarios with the aim of giving and receiving new impulses for further developments in SFB 1244. The project investigates adaptivity’s potential for architecture and its inhabitants and consequently establishes an adaptive design approach. This will have a significant impact on the development of design procedures (A02) and planning processes (A01).

The conceptual work in A03 completes the developments of adaptive structures by focusing on architectural, socio-cultural, and design dimensions. It contributes to a transdisciplinary research of SFB 1244.



Ongoing Dissertations:

Sara Lusic–Alavanja:?
Belgrade New Wave – Architecture and Art of the 1980's.

Yelta K?m:?
Data, Surveillance, Architecture.

Miljana Nikovic:?
Belgrade on Screens: Visions of Continuous Discontinuities.

Pietro Quattropani:
The Concept of Copy in Arts and its Application in Architectural Projects. Rebuilding proposal of Villa Deliella in Palermo.

Daniel Springer:
Los Angeles: Fragments of Four Ecologies.

Misal Adnan Yildiz:?
Green Environments for Contemporary Displays / Curating with/in Nature.
